Monday 24 November 2008

Practice Magazine Cover- "Zine" Magazine

This is the practice cover of the school magazine "Zine" which I produced in photoshop. I was trying to achieve an urban look by using abstract, rough and edgy effects on the picture. The urban theme is further emphasised by the graffiti font I have used for the title of the magazine. I hand drew this font in photoshop which was quite difficult but because I could not find any urban fonts on my computer, I had to create my own.
I used elements of urban slang such as "garmz" which are terms that a younger urban audience would be familiar with.
The phrase "Welcome to the college life" emphasises that the magazine is a college magazine.
All the coverlines feature college events to attract students to read the magazine.

Photoshop- My first attempt

Last lesson I used photoshop to produce a practice magazine cover. The practice cover is based on college magazine "Zine," which is an abbreviation of the word "magazine." I used an image of myself to represent a typical youth from my urban target genre. I learnt to use various effects on photoshop to alter my image. I hand drew some of the text to add orginality.
By the end of the lesson, I was quite familiar with photoshop and I hope to continue expanding my skills.

Monday 10 November 2008

Questionnaire final draft

I have finally completed the final draft of my questionnaire and made any improvements. I will now distribute the questionnaire to my target audience and I aim to do this by Friday. I will distribute my questionnaire around college as my target audience is based around college.

Friday 7 November 2008

Double Trouble article from RWD magazine


I worked on improving my questionnaire questions. I need to consider what kind of questions will help me construct my media magazine i.e. a niche in certain magazine genres. This will help me identify an ideal market for my magazine.
I need to now construct some draft front covers of my magazine to find out which front cover my target audience prefers.

Monday 3 November 2008

Introduction to Questionnaire

Today we had an introduction to the questionnaire. I had several questions in mind such as how many people to ask and how many questions to include in the questionnaire. I am now going to prepare my first draft of questions for Fridays lesson.