Friday 27 February 2009

Advert Analysis - Dogs Trust

Analysis of “Sponsor a dog” Advert
Top of the Pops Magazine
This is a persuasive advert for dog charity “Dogs Trust.” The advert is featured in Top of the Pops as the readers are young girls who are likely to be fond of puppies. Furthermore young girls are easily influenced emotionally and are likely to spend their £1 a week pocket money sponsoring a “furry friend” in need. The advert plays on the readers emotions by using various language and imagery techniques.
A rhetorical question is used to immediately draw the reader into the advert as they are inclined to answer a question “How much do you love me?”
Further rhetorical questions are used to keep the reader involved as they have various questions thrown at them to answer.
Colours and Layout
A bright yellow background is used to catch the reader’s attention. It contrasts with the previous dull white backgrounds of the other pages in the magazine.
The yellow and black colour scheme is often associated with warnings and this alerts the reader that the advert is of a serious nature.
The main title is in black bold font making it stand out against the bright yellow background.
The number and email for the charity organisation are shown in big bold letters to make them stick in the readers mind.
There is a brief explanation on the Dogs Trust charity and what they are about to inform the reader. However there is little text on the page to keep the reader interested as too much text would not be necessary for a young target audience.
The big image of the puppy takes much of the space on the emphasising the topic of the advert.
The image of the cute puppy with big eyes adds emotion to the advert. It is as though the dog is looking into the readers eyes and the direct eye contact helps the reader connect emotionally with the dog.
The image of the pound coin emphasises how much each reader is required to donate. The pound coin is shown as small in comparison to the image of the dog suggesting that £1 is not a lot of money to donate.
The logo of “Dogs Trust” familiarises the reader with the charity organisation.
The cut out section at the bottom encourages the reader to cut out the section at the bottom as the dotted outline makes it easier for the reader to do so. This promotes readers to then donate to the charity.

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