Friday 27 February 2009

Front Cover Analysis- Rolling Stone

Analysis of “Rolling Stone” Magazine Cover
Title of the magazine
The title of the magazine can be associated with the famous rock band the Rolling Stones. The Rolling Stones are an English rock band. The band formed in 1962 in London. The band's early recordings were mainly covers of American blues and R&B songs. This is reflected in the red, white and blue colour scheme of the magazine cover. It resembles the colours of the British and American flag. This suggests the magazine is aimed at British and American audiences who have a similar taste in music.
The word “rolling” adds rhythm highlighting that it is a music magazine. It is associated with the term rock and “roll” further emphasising the magazine is a rock magazine.
The term “rolling” could also suggest the magazine is up to date as the word rolling connotates the information is on-going and is constantly updated.
The word “stone” can suggest strength and loud music which is implies the rock music genre.

The magazine is aimed at a variety of music target audience. Although its main audience is rock music fans who are perhaps familiar with the Rolling Stones, Amy Winehouse, a soul artist is featured on the front cover, suggesting the magazine is also targeting listeners of other music genres.
Fans of Amy Winehouse or those interested in her life are also part of the main target audience as it seems the main story of the magazine is about Amy Winehouse as her image is on the front page.
The magazine also attracts readers with political views as it links music with politics. ”Guilliani, worse than Bush”
Another target audience may be male readers as the front image shows Amy Winehouse in a seductive pose and people who may just find Amy Winehouse attractive may be tempted to read/buy the magazine.

The magazine shows Amy Winehouse. She looks seductive and has sex appeal which may attract male readers. Her low cut top which reveals most of her body further emphasises her sex appeal but may also suggest that she is laying herself bare and ready to confess everything and not hide anything. Furthermore Amy does not wear as much makeup as she usually hides further highlighting her unhidden identity in the magazine. She has direct eye contact with the audience which may impose more sex appeal or it may help the reader connect with Amy Winehouse better and perhaps read her emotions. Amy Winehouse’s tattoos are on display and her look represents a typical “rock chick.”

The background of the magazine is completely white meaning we focus completely on Amy Winehouse as she in contrast is dressed all in black. The white background in contrast to Amy’s black dressing could also suggest a good and evil whereby Amy is shown in black highlighting her devil side in contrast to the pure innocent white background. This links to the main coverline “The Devil and her Demons” which further emphasises Amy’s bad nature. However Amy’s innocent expression contradicts this phrase.

There are a few coverlines on the cover but hardly any as the main focus is on Amy Winehouse.

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